Web Technologies and Intelligent Systems Laboratoire

Informatique et technologies de l'information   Guelma   167 vues Référence : 1712

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Localité : Guelma

The research problems dealt with by this team (TWSI) revolve around several themes related to New Information Technologies and Communication (NICT). This team, bringing together specialists in different fields, will contribute to the development of collaborative learning systems (CSCL: Web Services, Grid Services, Virtual Communities and Awareness), the identification and management of actors' activity traces. human beings (ie learners, tutors and teachers), the construction of interactive and mobile environments for learning as well as computer-assisted collaborative work (Groupware).

Scientific Foundations:

The TWSI research team is proposing IT solutions to eliminate the problems of CSCL environments, to study the impact of collaboration on different learner profiles (first beneficiaries of such environments) and to apply these foundations in domains. like medicine (collaborative computer assisted surgery ...). Our research will focus on the following themes:

1) CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning)
Collaborative distance learning, better known as Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), is a relatively new area of research and application.
In this area, it will be:

explore how collaborative learning can facilitate learner interaction and group work;
to determine how collaboration and technology facilitate the expression, sharing and exchange of information, knowledge and skills among members of a
to study the adaptability, flexibility and ubiquity of collaborative learning systems.
2) Web Services and Applications
Our research activities will be focused on:

The various treatments performed on the web services;
Their use in the field of e-learning (EIAH) / CSCL;
The orchestration of web services and its use in various applications.
3) Grid computing and Technologies
Our future research will focus on:

The use of these services in medicine and education;
Classification of different communities of human users under Grid;
The study of the contribution of Grid technologies and web services in several fields of application.

Informations complémentaires

Type d'établissement :
Contribution :
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