ENP Alger - Learn the Computational Fluid Dynamics with ANSYS Fluent Etablissement

Informatique et technologies de l'information   Alger   241 vues Référence : 1184

0.0 étoile

Localité : Alger

Hourly volume: 50 hours


This course aims to introduce learners to the theory and practice of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) using ANSYS Fluent software. By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

1.Understand the fundamental principles of CFD, including governing equations, the Finite Volume Method (FVM), meshing.

2.Develop skills in setting up, solving, and post-processing CFD simulations using ANSYS Fluent software.

3.Apply CFD techniques to solve real-world engineering problems, ranging from simple to complex cases.

At the end of this course, learners will have a strong foundation in computational fluid dynamics principles and practical experience with ANSYS Fluent software. This will enable them to apply CFD techniques to a wide range of engineering problems and pursue more advanced topics in CFD and related fields. Learners will work on a project to apply their knowledge of ANSYS Fluent to a real-world engineering problem.

Teaching methods

25% lectures, 75% Lab works using Ansys Fluent (academic version)


CH 1. Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (3h)

Overview of CFD;

History and applications of CFD;

Overview of open-source and commercial CFD software.

CH 2. Governing Equations and Numerical Methods (6h)

Conservation laws: mass, momentum, and energy;

Navier-Stokes equations;

Finite Volume Method (FVM);

Discretization schemes: central differencing, upwind, QUICK;

Time integration methods: implicit, explicit, and semi-implicit.

CH 3. Grid Generation and Meshing (4h)

Structured and unstructured grids;

Mesh quality and grid independence study;

Meshing techniques in ANSYS Fluent.

CH 4. Boundary Conditions and Solver Settings (4h)

Boundary conditions: inlet, outlet, wall, symmetry, and periodic;

Solver settings: pressure-velocity coupling, convergence criteria, and relaxation factors.

CH 5. Laminar Flow Simulations (6h)

Laminar flow in a pipe;

Heat transfer in a pipe;

Couette flow;

Lid-driven cavity flow.

CH 6. Turbulent Flow Simulations (6h)

Introduction to turbulence modeling;

Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models: k-epsilon, k-omega, and Spalart-Allmaras;

Turbulent flow in a pipe;

External flow over a flat plate.

CH 7. External Aerodynamics (4h)

Flow over an airfoil;

Flow around a cylinder;

Drag and lift calculations;

Boundary layer analysis.

CH 8. Heat Exchanger Simulation (4h)

Shell-and-tube heat exchanger;

Plate heat exchanger;

Compact heat exchanger.

CH 9. Advanced Topics (6h)

Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS);

Dynamic mesh;

Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI);

Multi-phase flows;

Combustion modeling.

CH 10. Practical Applications and Case Studies (7h)

CFD applications in various engineering fields: aerospace, automotive, civil, environmental, and process engineering;

Best practices for CFD simulations;

Validation and verification of CFD results;

Case studies and real-world examples.

Informations complémentaires

Type d'établissement :
Institution publique
Contribution :
Site web :
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