Abderrahmane KACIMI Sliding Mode Control Based on Adaptive Backstepping Approch for a Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Laboratoire
Robotique industrielle et automatisation Oran 305 vues Référence : 1689Localité : Oran
A sliding mode control based on adaptive backstepping approch, is developped respectively in order to synthesise tracking errors and to ensure Lyapunov stability, handling of all system nonlinearities and desired tracking trajectories. Under ground effects and wind disturbances, the body inertia becomes badly known , and non parametric uncertainties are considered in the system model. Dynamic modelling of quadrotor takes into account the high-order nonholonomic constraints, that are considered here in order to test this new control scheme on a model that takes into account the various physical phenomenas, which can influence the dynamics of a flying structure. Finally simulation results are provided to illustrate the performances of the proposed controller. Streszczenie. Przedstawiono system sterowaniá slizgowego z modulem typu backstepping w zastosowaniu do bezzalogowego pojazdu powietrznego (helikoptera). Zaproponowany system sterowania pozwala na zmniejszenie bl du trasy i zapewnia stabilno z uwzgl dnieniem nieliniowoci, zmian wiatru i inercji pojazdu. Model dynamiczny uwzglednia ró zne mo zliwe fizyczne zjawiska. (Sterowanie slizgowe typu adaptacyjny backstepping w zastosowaniu do bezzalogowego pojazdu powietrznego).